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Sunday, July 09, 2006

God is faithful thru and thru!

remember the rainbow in the sky during Noah's time?
Gensis 9:16 "The rainbow is in the cloud, and I will look on it and remember the everlasting convenant between God and every living
creature of all flesh that is on the earth."

juz wanna proclaim dat God is faithful in all His words spoken in the
Bible or rhema word He spoken to us in our lives...He will not forget
and turn all things beautiful in HIs timing...realli appreciate God who knew exactly what & how much 2 reveal to us at dat particular point of our lives, we are able 2 receive from Him...& trusting Him wif all the faith dat He puts in us,

i've realized i'm veri impatient person though most pple said being a teacher got 2 b patient cos u r handling young children..i personally feel a certain extend this statement is true but more than dat is how a grown-up looking at these children thru their perspectives , of course we tend 2 judge on the outside ; the way they do and talk imitating like adults...but i thank you dat we have a God dat does looks on the inside of us & still so love us still even though how much we had failed Him...

lately, was asking God 4 direction in my "dream" job, cos keep meeting into jobs to do wif autistic children i'm seeking God's will for tis specific calling into special needs which had tot b4 during the course...after dat i'm no longer thinking about this "dream job" is 2 go into PAP kindergarten & make a difference in the lives of neighbourhood children (where i used 2 be like them too) am still seeking, praying & asking...if possible i convet your prayers too!
thank you! God bless u...


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